Supporting Third Sector Community and Youth Groups

Supporting Third Sector Community and Youth Groups

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? By engaging with communities ( residents and support service, charities and third sector organisations through co-production ( particularly targeting marginalised individuals and communities) and providing services that truly support communities to become more resilient and take ownership will have a positive impact on community wellbeing. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? The Committee should focus on this for their future work as it is an effective and efficient way of making a lasting impact rather than short term expensive solutions that do not truly deal with the issues. Third sector and charities work at the coal face and have a better understanding of the needs of the people who live within them. Unfortunately funding for third sectors is often short term and does allow for any long term projects to really make the impact needed to eliminate the problems.


Third sector organisations such as those listed in other comments are to be lauded and supported,they are the backbone of our communities.But be wary of those organisations which have titles like Third Sector Interface! They generally look out for themselves under the guise of facilitators and seem to return little to the community they profess to support! Scot Gov should look into this sector as in our experience they are siphoning off ££ which would be put to better use by grassroots gtoups.

As stated this is 'an effective and efficient way of making a lasting impact'. However it will only work if the committee speak to those agencies, especially the locally based ones, who are working at the coal face. Hold 'surgeries' around Scotland and get to know us, hear and listen to our views, and see how much we achieve with very little funding. surely a more cost effective system than relying on an over-burdened public sector model that is constrained by it's own corporate identity.

Third Sector, Community and Youth Groups have a permanent presence in communities (unlike short-term projects delivered by larger organisations), and the work they do is embedded into the social, emotional, physical and mental well being of residents in the area in which they are based, often for several generations.

The third sector is vital to our wellbeing and quality of life. Thinking of everything that brings joy to our communities-- local sports clubs, youth clubs/groups, activities for older people, development trusts, community centres, community arts and music, environmental groups, support networks for people with disabilities and their carers, childcare, and much more-- the majority of this is provided by the third sector. Imagine if this wasn't there. This needs more support and funding.

third sector, charity and voluntary services will become more and more vital as long as public service budgets continue to be cut. A recognition of the valuable work being done by community workers should be more than a 'drop in the ocean' grant. A realisation too that often these services can attract more funding from the private sector, effectively increasing capacity and ensuring better outcomes.

Through working in third sector organisations for 16years (alongside stat organisations) I find that the people/families that require the support most are more comfortable around third sector organisations and find them to be more approachable. In an economy sense, having third sector organisations gives employment opportunities/volunteering for people to be able to progress in a career that means something to them.

Third sector organisations are delivering invaluable services in communities to children and adults. Delivering services to vulnerable children and families whom without this would left with minimum support. They provide a safe place for young people that might not have any other, supporting them and their families through difficult times, mental health, and employment.

Third sector are delivering grass roots invaluable services to people living in local communities. Supporting struggling families; people with mental health issues; helping people into work as well as direct youth work engaging young people in creative and innovative traditional and contemporary youth work models. The committee should not only focus on large national charities but local charities with a sustainability plan embedded into their community.

The third sector are providing services to people of all ages and abilities. Supporting families struggling with countless issues. Working and supporting individuals struggling with mental health, unemployed helping return to work, engaging with young people through youth work. With out these charities big and small these individuals would struggle, become isolated and would have effect on their mental health.

Third sector organisations are a vital part of community development as they provide passionate and innovative services for children, young people and their families. Third sector organisations are often able to develop more trusting and informal relationships than statutory organisations due to the nature in which they provide services.

Third sector are embedded in communities and staff are invested rather than participating in tick-box exercises. These organisations are user led and innovative and genuinely in touch with members of the public. Among the other services that these organisations provide, youth groups are vital in an age when young people's social intelligence is poorer than ever, confidence and mental health is low, the achievement gap in schools has not been reduced - youth groups address these issues.

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