Support museums as enablers of health and wellbeing

Support museums as enablers of health and wellbeing

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? Scotland’s museums are cornerstones of their changing communities, providing a trusted space from which different groups can explore their own heritage, as well as their sense of identity, self and culture. Increasing evidence shows museums support individual and community wellbeing, whether through simply visiting, being directly involved in outreach work or from volunteering. Those who regularly visit museums report greater satisfaction and a greater sense of their lives and what they do as being worthwhile. Museums work closely with their communities and partners to educate and inspire people to make and think about positive life choices. Sustained investment in museum services is essential if we are to improve wellbeing, tackle inequality and support the museum sector’s contribution to addressing wider public policy outcomes. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Museum services are under significant pressure, with celebrated venues across the country closing their doors and uncertainty surrounding their collections. As well as being custodians of our cultural heritage, museums are an invaluable community asset, where people can come together to learn, be inspired and thrive. We must do all we can to support this incredible sector and ensure that current and future generations can benefit from their work in supporting community wellbeing.


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