Funded Childcare in Scotland

Funded Childcare in Scotland

The Scottish Government aim to provide 1140 hours of childcare for 3-4 year olds. We'd like to hear the experiences of parents & carers accessing funded childcare in Scotland. Your views will help the Committee question the Minister, Maree Todd MSP, on 9th December 2020. Click ❔ above for more info.


Poor access to city ran settings


St Josephs RC

All of the childminders are full


3h a day

"Bubbles" preventing delivery of 1140 hours"

Goal posts moved parents out of pocket

Postcode Lottery - Cross Boundary Agreements

choice and hours available suits me

No access to state nursery & poor treatment of childminders

Forced to use 2 settings in order to access funded hours

Continued funding for deferred school start

funded childcare

Blended care working well

taking away term time provision from communities

No space available at any local nursery

My positive experience

1140hs funded childcare, at last

my experience of funded childcare

Accessing funding for a delayed start to P1

Childcare funded hours

Unequal access to 1140 hours

2 Tier Childcare System, 30 hours for some, 16 for others.

Feedback on change of hours for childcare

An unequal system

Continue with this funding to families across Scotland

Give them more time at early years settings

1140 is not right for everyone

1140 working well

Private Nursery Filling the Gap but why wait until 3?

Late Applications

Unable to access funded hours for a private provider

unequal allocation.

a work in progress

experiencd of elcc

funded hours

Making life easier

Councils funded hours times need changingb

Flexible Childcare Services Keith

Jane Edgar Childminding

Childcare provision

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