Deliberation Tips 1 Consider all sides of the argument and all voices including those not in the room 2 Being aware of bias – consider all influences 3 Consider different types of evidence – for example lived experience 4 Challenge the evidence – verify it, use knowledge you have gained 5 Take time for reflection 6 Make sure all can consider the evidence, and access it, in their own way (digital, face to face, written, one to one)
- Consider under impact and ongoing steps - Respect for other views - each and everyone has the right to participate - Try not to take criticism personally - be open - Different interests: bringing everyone together to be on the same page/ focus - Need good evidence - challenge, ask questions - Each bias is a form of passion to be respected and understood - Different experiences - enlighten people on issues they dont know about - Everyone has a different viewpoint, but need to work together
- Consider all sides of an argument - Include lived experience "diversity trumps expertise" strong evidence - Hold those giving evidence accountable -
Oliver tips: 1 Silence - make a space 2 Collective intelligence - science has proved it 3 Your own lived experience - draw on that 4 Unlearning is as important as learning
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation