Social network based on open source code to promote the most interesting news decided by the people, sending links and voting. Based on the open source code of, but with a new user interface more similar to actual social networks like Facebook or Twitter. I would call it Yups for the positive votes and Oops for the negative ones. I've started right now the nonprofit project, but all help is welcome to spread the news important for the people, instead other interests.
I've thought about this concept for some years and Your Priorities (the same software as you're looking at now) would work very well for crowd-sourced news. Obviously it would need to be forked and some modifications made but surprisingly little. I actually registered the domain to use for this and have some notes in Icelandic which I would gladly translate and make open if anyone is interested in them. Drop me an email at if so.
People should support this idea because is based on an open source code and will remain open source and nonprofit, to guarantee the transparency of the project and to contribute to spread the news that the people think are important to improve our society. Project will be SoLoMo, social, local and mobile, to reach most of the people that are connected through mobiles. Will be translated to all languages on a global world project, like Wikipedia.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation