Art Psychotherapy within school counselling

Art Psychotherapy within school counselling

The introduction of school counselling services across the country was a well needed and welcome addition for guidance staff and pupils alike. However some of our young people just cant find the words to explain or communicate how they feel, thus accessing talking therapies can be hugely challenging for some of our pupils. Finding creative ways to explore trauma using artistic expression can at times offer immediate relief, in addition to supporting the release of deeply felt emotions that are very hard to express though words. The governments not including this modality into the school counselling offer feels like a missed opportunity. Art psychotherapy is proven to be effective in supporting children and young people who just cant find the words to express their trauma ,distress or emotions find resolve and or release. Our schools are full of children and young people who process and express thoughts and feelings differently and some just cant find the words to effectively engage in talking therapies. Will the government consider adding Art Psychotherapy to the menu of therapeutic services our children can access whilst at school in Scotland?


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