Ukrainian-speaking therapist for spouses and partners

Ukrainian-speaking therapist for spouses and partners

We think some of you may have children facing some difficulties after the experience they recently went through. All of us think about how to approach the subject of this war and how to talk about it. The Family Network has identified an expert therapist who speaks Ukrainian. She can guide you and give you tools to help bring your kids to a more comfortable and peaceful stage, when they will be moving forward with their life, evacuating any trauma they may have gone through. Our expert Angela lives in the United States, but you can reach out to her by emailing Within 24 hours, Angela will contact you back. The Family Network offers you up to three free sessions with Angela, and if needed, she will refer you to another professional. Please write in the email the name and UPI of staff and your preferred platform for Angela to call you (Zoom, Skype, etc.). We hope that this service will help you gain more peace and comfort in your family.


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