

I'm Cansel, I'm 21 years old I live in Edinburgh and I was born in Scotland however my parents were born (in) Turkey. I study in Edinburgh College. I am a barista at Starbucks. I think it difficult to engage with The Scottish Parliament because I believe that we do not get enough information about it within schools and I believe that we don’t get the stuff we need to be engaged with the Scottish Parliament. I think we get told stuff about it however not enough that makes us want to be part of it. As someone that has parents that don't know much about the Scottish Parliament, I struggled in my teenage years to learn more about the Scottish Parliament due to not have enough information in my school, so I would have to do my own research to understand what Scottish Parliament is and how they can help me and other people. Another reason I find it hard to take part as we don't get enough information on what groups there are in the Scottish Parliament and how these groups can help us and who can be part of these groups? I think that what would make it easier for me to share my views is knowing how I can share my views and who I can share my views to. As much as we all know that there are a MSPs we don't know how much they can help us and what they can help us with. I think if there was a way of knowing what they could help us with and getting told that within our secondary schools, I think that would help us to share our views. Youth don't speak much about their views politically. I think this could help get the youth to start speaking more about their views and how to share it.


School visits to Parliament should be compulsory

Every school in Scotland should organise a trip to Parliament

Cansel feels that there should me more education in schools that explains how to engage with the Parliament.

Parliament should do more to reach out to young people - Social Media (targeted ads rather than expecting young people to follow a Parliament account)? - Leaflets in Schools (purple booklets).

Cansel would like to know about different groups that she can engage with in Parliament

There should be something in the national curriculum that includes life skills and also the constitution

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