

Hi, my name is Liz. I live in Beauly which is just outside of Inverness in the Highlands. As you can probably tell I’m from the States. I've been politically active since I was about 12, when Bobby Kennedy ran for President and he called us to seek a newer world and I’ve been trying to do that I think ever since. I found it easier to engage my Representatives in the States for many reasons mostly due to life changes back then; I could drive and back then there wasn't the internet and they were all local so I could physically meet with them a lot more often and they would always answer my letters. I find it very hard here now because the number one I’ve become disabled since moving here. The effects of my Lyme disease and the effects of that affect my cognition and my stamina and so a long distance trip is really hard for that reason. Also, our public transport up here is very unreliable so I’m not even sure I can get down to Edinburgh. The other reason I find it hard to take part is simply because I'm not so sure my views matter anymore. I still send petitions, I still send email, but I, often times I don't get any responses or I get sent a link to response, or I get an assistant who says I’ll forward this on ‘your MSP’s are very interested’ and then I never hear from them again. It would be really nice if they could say I hear what you say and this is what I'm doing about it but I’m yet to hear that. So what would make it easier for me to share my views is to know my MSPs are actually reading them or anyone else I contact in Parliament is actually reading them. I’d like to hear back, em, a personal letter. I think part of the problem is they are so overwhelmed with emails and petitions today because the internet makes it so easy to access that is really, em really hard to have your voice heard above all the other voices screaming. So I really don't know what would make it easier except if they could come to us. If we had focus groups they could attend and just talk to us on regular occasions that would make it a lot easier I think. But travelling back and forth Edinburgh would be, is very challenging.


Traffic light system for inquiries to a central contact? Flagging up what has been addressed and what hasn't

Things get missed online. I only responded to this Citizens Panel for example because it was in the mail. If it was online I would never have seen it.

Parliament could create a minimum standard of response. For example initial acknowledgement of response. A follow up to explain how many responses and what happens next and then a follow up with information on the outcome of the inquiry. Signposting with more information

What about local surgeries though?

Unreliable public transport is clearly a theme

Parliament has to find a way to improve communication to improve trust - Follow up letters, phone call appointments, central numbers to record grievance

Liz described physical barriers because of a disability. She would not be able to travel to Edinburgh. Motivational barrier because she was not getting feedback when she had contacted Parliament. She doesn't know if people are reading her letters.

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