To ask the Scottish Government whether it will make a statement on the policing and arrests at events connected to the death of the Queen and the proclamation of the new monarch.
Live stream on a Facebook channel
Question hour for people where they can submit questions by email. Or social media. Priorised depending on the topic.
OPe questions could be themed by topic. Make it easily accessible.
It would be helpful to be able to access more information at the time of the question. "For more information...."
Questions sometimes appear to be staged and are not answered. The behaviour is sometimes unacceptable. Are supportive of the idea of parliamentary questions. For recording the process it is good for accountability. Transparency
Is there a criteria for the questions that can be asked. This question seems to be a waste of time. It is known that comments will not be given on specifics events especially before a debrief or investigation so his answer of that it would "not be appropriate to comment on a specific case" is standard and would have been expected. Surely this is a waste of a question and the question should have maybe been will there be an investigation into the polices conduct?
Search feature on website seem to be a really useful tool. This should be advertised and promoted as people can often find it difficult to find topics and discussions of interest to them .
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation