Create a system such as a webpage where people can register and be notified about opportunities to engage The Parliament should create and advertise means for people to register their details and interests with the Parliament. MSPs and Committees would be able to contact individuals about opportunities to engage in the work of Parliament when an issue arises that individuals are interested in. This idea was inspired by the amount of issues discussed at parliament at any one time passing t... 12 Create a system to notify people about engagement activities What action do we need to take to deliver this recommendation? The Scottish Parliament should... 0/1000 600 seconds 600 seconds Offline form 2 "A web page" -Wow - I think that is an over-simplification of the complexity of the issue. 0 0 Offline form 3 Most people do use the web, and having a website where all the issues are placed would be valuable. It should also include a place where people could input information about things that concern them. A two way information service. 0 0 Create a system such as a webpage where people can register and be notified about opportunities to engage The Parliament should create and advertise means for people to register their details and interests with the Parliament. MSPs and Committees would be able to contact individuals about opportunities to engage in the work of Parliament when an issue arises that individuals are interested in. This idea was inspired by the amount of issues discussed at parliament at any one time passing the public by - this solution could ensure that no one misses the chance to engage.
Is there functionality within Citizen space or another tool for this? Ask people to register, auto ping an notification when a new call for views is launched? i understand this wouldn't be the only way we would engage but worth asking the question.
Do we know is the Public Information team still send a weekly newsletter? It used to be called 'This week in the Scottish Parliament' and included information about call for views.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation