Develop case studies and examples to demonstrate different formats and options for designing inquiries, to encourage Members and committee teams to think more widely about the approach that will be best at meeting the purpose of a particular inquiry, and not fall back on the same approaches all the time.
Agree with comments above. In particular Laura, Anne and others' that to change practice, staff and Member's need time and opportunity to engage with and reflect on case studies and to consider in the context of their work programme. Also with Ailsa, that provides opportunity to encourage early use of engagement to help focus inquiry. Would add also provides opportunity to highlight where in inquiry process different forms of evidence and engagement can lead to most impact.
The Participation Hub which is in development will also be used to highlight case studies of different participation approaches and how these can support inquiries, which will be helpful to consider alongside this.
A case study approach to inform MSPs would be good. However, this should be supported by material placing any decision-making on inquiries in the wider landscape of committee work and timescales (legislation, annual budget scrutiny etc.). Perhaps flowchart paths to show differing scrutiny approaches and the possible options each might entail. We also need to embed thinking on key achievable outcomes from inception to delivery of inquiries.
I think this case study approach to show "what works well" could be useful, in particular in persuading members that something a little different can work.
On the point about member buy-in, it may be useful to involve Conveners Group.
It is good to have access to case studies in resource packs etc but it is also important to find opportunities to discuss them with teams and Members as a review and reflection process EG snippets, committee business planning etc.
Think it would be helpful to encourage Member buy-in to new approaches if any case studies could really highlight the benefits/outcomes of different approaches, as well as any key learning points so any potential pitfalls are avoided. Perhaps also might be helpful to get some direct feedback from Members themselves.
This is a really good opportunity to introduce and encourage more participative approaches at the scoping stage and use engagement and lived experience to more effectively hone the focus of inquiries from the start. It also provides committees with a tangible opportunity to offer citizens by allowing them to have a meaningful, impactful and demonstrable role in scrutiny.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation