Our health and social care services in Scotland

Our health and social care services in Scotland

In Scotland, health and social care services have been brought together so that all the different elements of care a person needs are meant to be planned and organised jointly by the NHS and new organisations called integration authorities. This means that the NHS, local councils and voluntary organisations should work more closely together. Are you aware of these changes? Do you think it has had an impact on Community Wellbeing? Do you think that this is an area that the Committee should look at?


Connections aren't working. We're a reactive society- we are firefighting rather than being proactive. There is lack of mental health services and addiction groups.

Not all integration boards are working well. I think the Scottish NHS, should also be rationalised too many different Health Authorities

Are you aware of these changes? Do you think it has had an impact on Community Wellbeing? Do you think that this is an area that the Committee should look into as part of our work into Community Wellbeing?

This requires big changes in attitudes and operating methods within statutory agencies in relation to each other and the third sector. There is a strength in the third sector that needs to be recognised and encouraged to ensure actual community engagement in wellbeing.

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