Community Wellbeing Volunteer Service

Community Wellbeing Volunteer Service

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? When vulnetable adults in our communities are at risk or in difficulty there is no one to alert, no one for friends or neighbours to tell and no one to keep an eye on them. My idea is that there is a volunteer led service which keeps a register of vulnerable adults in their communities. This service would be the go to point of contact when neighbours etc have concerns about their well being. The volunteers could also check in on them regularly if requested and make sure they're ok. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Many vulnerable adults flounder in their local communities for months before a crisis point is reached. A service like this would help avoid a costly and upsetting crisis by offering support, alerting other services if necessary. There are very few mechanisms the community can use to show that it cares about the people who live thete. This would also help with usolation and lonliness.


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