fund counselling training to create a new workforce.

fund counselling training to create a new workforce.

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? I have worked with parents and children and young people for years in a community setting through my local authority. I have seen the shocking decline in child and young people’s mental health. Waiting on CAMHS lists is not enough, neither by putting a counsellor in every school. Children and young people need therapeutic counselling and parents need support to enable them to support their child and not future add to difficulties. Staff in local government are struggling to afford to undertake training even though they are desperate to help, yet we are left feeling so frustrated not being able to afford to help others! Please offer burseries to allow us to pay for the fees of the course and provide free or very low cost support. INVEST IN THE HELPERS x Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Mental health struggles are becoming catastrophic- we cannot keep up with this demand and need help to help


Support the helpers by helping them to train, cost is a barrier and it is the children and young people who are denied access to services they could offer

We need to get to the root of why families need this support and be more preventative. Adversity impacts on us all in different ways - counselling won't support without other measures.

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