Safe, traffic-free spaces/times in residential areas

Safe, traffic-free spaces/times in residential areas

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? Many parents are reluctant to allow their children to play or walk places unsupervised in their own neighbourhoods because of the danger of roads and traffic. If there were designed traffic-free times of day or traffic-free spaces in all residential areas, as well as traffic-free routes to schools, shops, etc children would once again be able to exist beyond enclosed playparks and gardens, and it would help them develop independence at an appropriate pace. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? When planning towns, it often seems as though the preferences of cars and drivers are routinely prioritised over the needs of pedestrians (and, by extension, children). Prioritising traffic-free areas would not just benefit children - it would likely reduce traffic congestion as well.


This is vital to promoting less car travel for shorter journeys, healthier travel to and from school and promoting life-long healthy habits. Safe paths should have precedence over roadways in all areas where children go to school.

This is absolutely essential. We need provision for residents, not just for AirBNB owners. Residential areas in the city need to have less traffic and more green space for locals to enjoy.

Great idea, we need more ideas like this promoting activity, community interaction and enabling people to use their local streets safely and without fear of being bullied out of the area by drivers. Ideas like this will be beneficial to local shops and services, will promote community group involvement and reduce the impact on the NHS caused by lack of active lifestyles.

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