Develop guidance for multi-use paths in rural areas.

Develop guidance for multi-use paths in rural areas.

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? Improving safer, traffic free routes in rural areas, connecting communities through active travel. But blocked by landowners unwilling to negotiate access/use. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Lots of attention on cities but rural areas have many transport issues and few alternatives eg no public transport.


As well as the benefits of enabling active travel for rural communities this could provide a boost to Scotland's tourism industry (if done well, of course!)

This is very important. In rural areas moving between communities is difficult with motor traffic. Distances can be long, but hazards mostly come from travelling on roads with high speed motor traffic. Dedicated traffic free routes will enable less well off and non car owning people to travel between communities, become more active and promote social inclusion.

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