rural community transport

rural community transport

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? Help older commutes from being isolated Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Because of the lack of it and withdrawal of bus services presently


Because rural communities are forgotten about and lack services that cities benefit from which rural communities need more

The lack of effective rural transport is a brake on development in all areas and a serious detriment to the opportunities for both personal and community well being. Young people cant go to college and know that they can always get home in the evening. Children cant participate in after school activities. people cant get to work. Owning a car, and all that entails financially and in terms of the environmental impact, is a prerequisite for living in rural Scotland. This has to change.

Arran scores highly on the SIMD Index for lack of good transport infrasructure on Island. This has a negative effect on economy,( people dont eat out cos of drink/ drive) dictates where non drivers can live, restricts where people can work and increases social isolation at all levels, after school activities, cinema, sports etc. More support for local rural groups to operate their own community mini busses, like myBus but better as that doesnt really work on Arran cos admined from Mainland!

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