Disabled People's Civic Inclusion is a Human Right

Disabled People's Civic Inclusion is a Human Right

How does this impact on Community Wellbeing? The civic participation of disabled people will assist disabled people to overcome barriers to our physical, social, economic and attitudinal inclusion. Participation as principle is indivisible from other human rights principles (accountability, non-discrimination, legality and empowerment). A lack of investment in the community, learning and development workforce working with our community of interest has led to a lower levels of empowerment. The United Nations Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is not recognised in domestic law making it impossible to hold public bodies, local and national and government to account when discrimination occurs and these rights are not realised. The civic participation of disabled people in shaping the delivery of local health and social care, community planning and decision making, and participatory budgeting is vital to reducing inequality for our community of interest and improving levels of community wellbeing and cohesion. Why should the Committee focus on this as part of their future work? Disabled People's Organisations ('of' disabled people, rather than 'for') require a strategic regional investment in the leadership at a board level and competencies of community. learning and development at an operational one. The incorporation of the UNCRPD into domestic law and an accompanying strategic delivery plan by COLSA, would safeguard the anticipation, protection and ultimate realisation of disabled people human and civil rights in Scotland in the 21st century.


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