New Roads and Housing Developments Must Have Cycle Paths

New Roads and Housing Developments Must Have Cycle Paths

What change do you want to make now to address the climate change crisis? Cycling on roads is often frightening, therefore we have to work towards more segregation between cars and bikes to get more people onto bikes. What do you need to make this change? For the safety of cyclists, who keep our shared air cleaner.


stupid idea pandering to the cycling lobby. space would be much better used to increase parking

Makes perfect sense.

Yes - and they must be proper segregated cycle paths.

To discourage unnecessary driving over short distances, roads in developments should be indirect and slow whilst cycle and footpaths should be direct and convenient, prioritised over roads where they have to cross (as rarely as possible), with clear signposting, plenty of cut-throughs, proper integration with other cycle infrastructure and/or a requirement to install or improve surrounding access if there are no existing foot/cycle paths linking the development to shops, schools, doctors etc.

This is legislated for in The Netherlands and not only is it safer for cyclists, it is also easier for people who use wheelchairs. Indeed, In Eindhoven, I saw someone in an adapted wheel stretcher use the cycle path. Cycling in Edinburgh is difficult and scary, especially if you are not very fit. Both your arms and legs need to be strong to control a bike when it dips down into the potholes that you are forced into.

That kind of happens but in a half hearted tick box kind of way . Councils get money from developers and paint some bicycle symbols on the pavement , job done. We probably need a new agency (and I hate quangos ) separate from but as powerful as the current Transport Agency who are responsible for getting cycling facilities improved . Councils and the Transport Agency have to be removed from responsibility.

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