Climate change and you

Climate change and you

The Scottish Parliament is scrutinising the Scottish Government's Climate Change Plan. The initial stage of this exercise is now closed. The submissions will be used to support future scrutiny of the updated Plan when it is published. Learn more, click the ❓ button on the top right of the page.


Label environmentally friendly meat

Waste less food (Paisley pop up stall)

Good farming practices (Paisley pop up stall)

Sustainable cookery classes

Grow and cook your own food (Paisley pop up stall)

Glass milk bottles (Paisley Pop up stall)

Produce/eat more local fruit and veg (Paisley pop up stall)

Seasonal Eating and Reducing Food Miles

Buy food without packaging - Paisley pop up stall


Subsidise dairy use of glass milk bottles

Garioch Women for Change - Eco Event - Feedback - FOOD


cheaper vegan and vegetarian food and more access to it

Making changes to diet

Promote plant based diets

Eat 16kg of meat per year

Farm Subsidies to enhance the Environment.


Incentives for locals to buy local produce

Introduce Land Value Taxation

Car charging points

Equality in Transport renewal

Public Transport

Lucy Johnstone

Stop building roads to reduce congestion: subsidise buses

cycling Initiative

convert busses to electric propulsion

Start thinking of cyclepath as a network and fill the gaps l

Electric cars when living in a flat (Paisley pop up stall)

New Roads and Housing Developments Must Have Cycle Paths

better connected public transport

Use money allocated to road building for green projects

Electric vehicles and long distances (Paisley pop up stall)

Cycle to work (Paisley pop up stall)

make public buses run on biofuel or electricity

Get rid of Park and Rides

reduce traffic emisions

Ease restrictions on personal electric vehicles over 250W

Make electric cars attractive (Paisley pop up stall)

Garioch Women for Change - Eco Event - feedback - TRANSPORT

Prove to the Nation that there is a Climate Emergency

Abolish domestic flights

Recognise that free car parking is a subsidy

Fewer flights

Prioritise getting cars moving again

Ban cyclists from public roads

Enforce, and substantially increase, fines for cyclists

Restrict parking at work (paisley pop up)

Introduce Congestion Charging in major cities

segregated cycle lanes

Implement ‘Strict Liability’ for motorists

Decrease costs for public transport

Stop building new roads/ super roundabouts

Better public transport - more connected

Make cyclists pay road tax

Make roads safe for cycling


Environmentally conscious public transport

covered cycleways

Staycation Scotland

Increase support and subsidies for electric cars

Building massive neighborhoods in the outskirts

Remove parking fees from train station car parks

Treat Dangerous Drivng as a serious crime

Get rid of Speedbumbs

Discourage driving

active travel

Reduce/stop the use of fossil fuel for transport

Default 40mph speed limit in rural areas

make dynamo lights commonplace on bikes in UK

Zero VAT for Bike and Active Travel Equipment Hire and Sales

Relax & clarify laws on low-power transport (e.g. scooters)

Actually implement results from previous consultations

More electric bike subsidies

Relaxed emission controls for vehicles in rural areas

Better and cheaper public transport (Paisley pop up stall)

Better transport to reduce isolation (Paisley pop up stall)

Default 20mph speed limit in cities

Better Urban Path Networks

A Scientific Approach to the Climate Change Crisis Plan

Improve Infrastructure for Active Travel

Improve integration of cycling and public transport

Reduce the big carbon emitters to absolute minimum

Installing enviromentally friendly measures

Make all new houses passive

Listen to local groups (Paisley pop up stall)

pollute more pay more taxation

Windmill with no planning required (Paisley pop up stall)

Grants for solar panels (Paisley pop up stall)

Free Solar Panels

support local communities to create solar co-ops

Clean and sustainable energy (Paisley pop up stall)

Award Greta Thunberg ‘Freedom of Scotland’

stop sealing the ground with plastic grass

Kite Turbine Testing

Use less electricity (Paisley pop up stall)

Switch off some public lighting.

Solar Panels on residential buildings

End the SNP opposition to nuclear power

Garioch Women for Change - Eco Event - Feedback - ENERGY

Implement true carbon pricing into goods and services

Reduce packaging waste

Improve Recycling and Reduce Landfill

Reduce Food Waste

Return and re-use schemes (Paisley pop up stall)

Stop using plastic bags

more recycling Initiative

community Repair hubs and tool libraries

Recycling education (Paisley Pop up stall)

Use of natural fibres

Schools to tidy their environment

The handling of litter

Better recycling practices (Paisley pop up stall)

researching re-use

Refill water bottles (Paisley pop up stall)

Waste less in the workplace (Paisley Pop up stall)

Community sewing courses and clothes repair stations

More plastic and less glass (Paisley pop up stall)

Improve recyling of waste which produces heat & power

Garioch Women for Change - Eco Event - Feedback WASTE

nlc recyle rules

Reducing household waste

Encourage wider use of eco friendly incinerators

Recycle glass bottles

Population Control

recyclable materials for single use products

Garioch Women for Change - Eco Event - Feedback - HEAT

Skills to adapt houses (Paisley pop up stall)

Make landlords responsible for insulating properties fully

Ground Source heat pumps

Get rid of expensive Total Heat Total Control Electricity

Heating/insulating older buildings (Paisley pop up stall)

replace all single glazed windows

stop using natural peat for burning or horticulture

Domestic Energy Saving

Support change from gas central heating

Reduce the level of domestic wastage in households

Improving home insulation

A Carbon Bank

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