Make electric cars attractive (Paisley pop up stall)

Make electric cars attractive (Paisley pop up stall)

What change do you want to make now to address the climate change crisis? I would like to get an electric vehicle but not much choice and price range What do you need to make this change? • Bigger range of electric vehicles • Electric vehicles need to be affordable


Electric cars still require roads to be built and maintained. They still require huge energy output aanand rrararrare materials cars still require roads to be built and maintained. They still require huge energy output to build and rare materials to build

encourages production of more cars.

Electric cars still need a lot of space for roads and parking that would better be used for public transport, wider pavements and bike lanes. Also electric cars use a lot of resources in their production.

Electricity powering cars in urban areas will reduce pollution considerably, provided the energy for the vehicles is generated in a green manner to avoid shifting the carbon production elsewhere . Cars need to be subsidised and the current generosity on subsidies to petrol diesel users need to be got rid of and transferred to greener forms of transport.

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