Share the long-term exit strategy

Share the long-term exit strategy

The Scottish Government should share the long-term exit strategy. We know there was a "route map" published in May 2020 - but we need an update. Original Exit Strategy can be found here:


I understand why people want to see this but I think any long-term strategy almost immediately goes to waste as the situation changes, so I don't know that this should be a priority, as much as keeping people informed that the Gov is on top of the situation, and will extend relaxations as and when it feels appropriate

Think general principles are useful to know, but with the situation so hard to predict, I don't think it's worth getting too far into specifics. The Route Map was a useful guide, and my understanding was that it remains relevant at the moment?

There doesn't appear to be any constant that would warrant an update on the long-term exit strategy at the moment. The "common sense" approaches are still relevant but the virus can and is changing, so don't feel there can be a strict exit strategy for a while.

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