Teaching methods and learning plans need to take in to account pupils at different stages of learning (primary v secondary) and the impact on parents who are homeschooling. Don't just transfer classroom lessons on to a screen. Young people need to move too. Easier to have instructions for primary school children. Harder for secondary as they are supposed to move classes. Will this impact their further education? Secondary school children can be more independent and the teaching is about the subject so a bit easier than primary when children need their parents to help and content of lessons is not just about topic. I would not want to be in front of screen all day every day. Is there a health issue for children sitting in front of screen 9 to 3 5 days a week? In school, it is different, there is movement. Need frequent breaks and flexibility to adapt and for children to move around. Need a different kind of approach. Not just transfer lesson from classroom to screen.
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