Assess potential for accessing healthcare in new ways

Assess potential for accessing healthcare in new ways

"SG should assess potential for accessing healthcare in new ways by learning lessons from delivery post-pandemic." People are accessing healthcare in a different way (digital). Important to assess the positives and negatives of these changes long term i.e. more people getting digital consultations may free up GP time for those who can't access digital services. Catching up with screening services, having to travel to outpatient clinic, allow video conferencing to be used to increase capacity, but to be aware of people that might not have digital access. Online consultations accelerated with pandemic but not everything can be done remotely. Need to be mindful of digital exclusion and access to digital means (broadband, laptop). Older people might be less able to use digital tools. Some people have found it easier to use video conferencing and remote health care - this could free up space for people who do need to go to GP's - which new practices do we keep long term?


This is a discussion point but would be interesting to see a recommendation from this.

Yes Chris, we’ve made an initial suggestion: "SG should assess potential for accessing healthcare in new ways by learning lessons from delivery post-pandemic." But feel free to add a suggestion for potential recommendations related to this idea. Or even edits to the idea above. The ideas posted or copied from other discussions is to get the conversation started. This is all about generating ideas for recommendations the whole group can agree on.

I mentioned this in a previous round of comments, but there's a lot we can learn from Estonia here: For my part I think digital patient records would be a good first step.

Agree with recommendation as this is important but need to ensure that those who can't access via remote approaches (elderly, no available IT equipment or broadband, or little English language) are not left feeling like third rate citizens and don't bother trying.

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