SG should increase mental health support

SG should increase mental health support

Before the pandemic mental health services were already in short supply and high demand. The Pandemic has increased the number of people needing support. How will Government make services available? There were lost of problems about accessing GP services before the pandemic and even more now. If you have a mental health problem, having the confidence to present to talk about this problems, do more and more to make the services accessible The pandemic's impact on people's mental health will create a swamp effect on already struggling services. The impact on mental health is going to be profound. We are expecting a need for more mental health services post pandemic - the government must find a way to prepare services to meet demand.


Agree this should be a priority. It would be nice to see some of this take the form of preventative measures - e.g. measures which encourage physical activity, which could have a knock-on effect in reducing some conditions such as depression.

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