Levers for Green Recovery and Economic Recovery Make public transport free - is that good value for money? Make it safer and get the volume up. Get the system back to where it was. How to encourage people into public transport - esp w Covid spacing needs. Smaller vehicles? Shift patterns to reduce commuting? Employment - more people to clean public transport?
Not sure how badly return to normal will impact on rural communities after current reduction of public travel services. Will buses to villages be restored etc? Case for more government funding to support? Traditionally in rural regions young people trying to find jobs, training etc don't have availability of public transport and or cost to travel is heavy compared to low salaries / payment for age.
We need to redress the anti-public transport messaging that has been prevalent during the pandemic. Measures could include using personnel working on public transport to disinfect / wipe-down handrails, seats etc. & 'encourage' users to wear masks, this would increase public confidence in using public transport.
The global impact needs to be costed. Edinburgh is the most congested city in the UK, Glasgow has the most air polluted street in Scotland. Tallin the capital of Estonia and Luxembourg have free public transport for their residents. The Committee should investigate the environmental impact in Tallin and Luxembourg and how their schemes have been funded. I have significantly reduced my car use since getting my bus pass.
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