The Government must increase support for the Gaelic Language

The Government must increase support for the Gaelic Language

Gaelic is one of Scotland’s two indigenous languages and the Government must support this vital cultural and social resource which has played a huge part in Scotland’s culture and history and continues to have an important impact on current culture and identity in Scotland. The Gaelic heartland is still in the north-west Highlands and Islands and to expand and support Gaelic the rural economy of these areas must be supported. Support for Gaelic will have to cross many of the categories listed on this site including: Arts and Culture Early learning and childcare Housing Infrastructure Jobs and Employment Primary and Secondary Education Rural Life and Economy Transport To sustain Gaelic the population must be retained in rural areas where it is still spoken as an everyday language and education through Gaelic must be considered as a right. To retain a population you need housing and jobs and to educate through Gaelic you need Gaelic primary schools, secondary schools and higher education


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