What matters to you?

What matters to you?

We want to hear about your priorities for Scotland. Tell us the issues you feel the Scottish Parliament's committees should focus on between 2021 and 2026. Watch the video for more information and click '?' for details of our discussion rules and privacy notice.


I think mental health for folk with learning disabilities

Provide Vouchers to individuals needing mental health care

Battling substance abuse

help increase the diagnosis rate of autism in girls

Paranoid Schizophrenia - need for non-clinical experts

Funding for mental health services


Establish national Mental Health Service Scotland

more accessibility for mental health support services

Keep the clocks on British Summer Time all year round

keep the £20 extra for familys

Welfare Benefits - paid benefits for volunteering

develop a cross portfolio unpaid Carer Covid recovery plan

anti houselessness

1 salary household shouldn't mean £0 for unemployed/students

Right to affordable food


Give vouchers to unemployed instead of cash


Preventative policy


Unpaid carers

More must be done to help homelessness in rural communities

Scrap Anti-Homeless Architecture

poverty and problem debt

universal basic income

child tax credits

Pensioner Poverty

Homelessness across Scotland

making sure life is fair for all

An inclusive Scotland for blind & partially sighted people

Ban the sale of personal data

Stay closely aligned to EU human rights laws

Banning conversion therapy

Male violence against women

Women's sex based rights

Sex as a protected characteristic

i want a safe happy environment for children to grow up

Protection of women's sex-based rights

Protection of vulnerable groups

Accurately record sex of people charged/convicted of ra

Reform the GRA to allow for self-identification

Transgender and other Queer inclusivity

Ensure the right to privacy both digitally, physically

Learning Disability, Autism & Neurodiversity Commissioner

Human rights for ALL, no exceptions

Not Every Disability is Visible

assisted dying

Pass the Gender Recognition Act

More support for people wishing to die at home


keep prisons single sex

Adaptations for children

Older People's Commissioner

Full legal recognistion of Non Binary Genders

Improvements to Trans health care and Gender Recognition Act

Make working from home a legal right for disabled people

LGBTQ+ rights, with an emphasis on trans rights.

Reform Immigration Policies

Women's rights and not going ahead with GRA reforms

protecting female rights as a sex

Provide Legal Help To Assist 380k 50's Pensionless Women

Remove sex and gender markers from all official ID

No self ID

keep school toilets single sex

In Safe Hands

Stop promoting gender identity over sex based rights

Disolve cadavers

Human Rights and Migration

Citizens Assembly

Wonen’s rights

escalating domestic abuse

protection of women from domestic abuse

Affirmative Consent Law

womens sex based rights being protected

Concerns about the assessment led approach to education

Prioritise Scotland’s educational interests with the EU

Improved education for people who have a learning disability

Better access to specialised psychology uni masters

Provide students with funding through the summer

Economic Impact of HEIs & their role in Covid-19 Recovery

Reviewing access and affordability to training and education

Creative subjects like art and music being marginalised

Look into the impact of COVID-19 on schools and universities

self esteem and emotional resilience from day one

Review the Statutory Guidance on Gaelic Education

Allow families to decide how to use childcare allowance

psychology should drive school timetabling

Childcare and early years support

extend free childcare and increase nursery stage to 6 yrs

Investigate the Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare

Closing the attainment gap

Education needs to be about being fit for the future

Improving public understanding of tax

Abolish the Council Tax

Immigration Health Surcharge or National Insurance

Prepare to establish a Scottish currency

Scrap the BBC fee

Establish a National Bank

The Role of Taxes in Scotland

Stop public funding of lobby groups

investment bank

Land Reform

Strengthened tax decision-making

Tax the Rich, fix the economy

5p transition charge on transactions over £20.

Rebalance taxation to support a more circular economy

Priorities for the Covid-19 Recovery Committee

Harness Innovation and new ways of working post Covid

Young people's lives post-Covid

Spaces for people

Intergenerational connections are essential for rebuilding

Non Digital Vaccine Passports

Psychological therapy for Long Covid rehab

Full disclosure on all covid funds spending. ALL OF IT.

Regain control over the Covid-19 pandemic

Community Pharmacy

child protection

Overdose prevention & decriminalisation

Make Social Work a more accessible profession

Drugs User Services

social care

Equal access for same sex couples to NHS fertility treatment

NHS Scot Religious education

my priority is getting the care home situation changed

Gaelic & Scots language learning for professionals

Expand Scotland’s Newborn Screening Programme

Coeliac Disease & other gluten related disorders

Make sight loss a public health priority

Ban Cosmetic and Non-Vital Surgeries on Intersex Infants

Specialised mental health support for people of colour

Not privatising NHS

More free, accessible, and inclusive public toilets

Genetic Therapy payment model

care for the elderly

Psychology workforce

Scotland needs a radical new plan for mental health

Access to health care for Trans people

Fair and non-judgemental access and assessments for care

Movement for Health

Better access to health services like doctors and dentists

Occupational therapy for children and young people

looking after our young people

National Care Service

Older People's Sports Clubs

Improved GP services and catching up on NHS backlog

Removal of charging for social care

Inclusive health policy

How Anti-Obesity Campaigns Impact Eating Disorder Sufferers

National Sport Activity Strategy for all

Investigate the use of DNACPR

Neurodivergent awareness

Right to Rehab

Protect NHS Scotland and limit any negative impact of Brexit

accessible environment for wheelchair users

Infected Blood Inquiry Recommentations

Establish a Rare Condition Coordination Service for Scotland

Mental health support when waiting lists are long

Parity between health and social care

There should be a multidisciplinary workforce supporting GPs

Life after covid 19

Easy Accessibility to Mental Health Services

Scotland endorses a mindful approach to all aspects of life

Increase jobs/services in nhs mental health

The resumption of outreach services for those with ASN

NHS Scot Racial Education

Not being able to access GP services.

Aging research (Why do we age and how to prevent it)

Expand access to the Motability Scheme

Re-establishing the Sunflower lanyards

Stop forced treatment

NHS to make better use of private healthcare

Sport Scotand to recognise Sports on an equal funding basis

Social Care delivery

Reform of transgender healthcare


My trans son getting better and quicker access to services.

Energy strategy

Composting and Carbon Sequestering


investigate the feasibility of opening old railway lines

Devolve broadcasting, telecommunications & broadband

social finance

Address fly tipping and untidy rubbish strewn streets.

Remove nuclear weapons and create international cyber court

Abandoned Cars - make it a criminal offence

Create a publically owned internet service

Better access to walking for everyone

Prevention and recovery from industrial dereliction

improve and increase the fibre optic digital connectivity

Establish a publicly owned National Energy Company

improve the ferry services so they are robust and secure

Roads, ferries, other means of transport and infrastructure

Upgrade the Perth to Inverness Rail Line

Better rail outside of the central belt.

Better Safer Cycling

improve public transport, don't build more roads.

Improve the road network throughout Scotland

Gaelic as Language of Contract in Public Sector Procurement

More Trainee positions and CV's over Application Packs

Fair pay for military personnel who play musical instruments

Create the legal right to work 100% from home

Prioritise Scotland’s EU interests - jobs and employment

Universal Basic Income

Four day working week

Ensure fair work opportunities for visually impaired people

Employment options for people who have learning disabilities

A law on overtime in the workplace

Equal treatment for men and women in the workplace

Zero Hour Contracts

Menopause in the workplace

industrial & Business Development

Employment ( graduate programme for 2020 graduates)

A real living wage

Creationof good jobs which pay decent wages

Workplace Democracy

Politial Engagement

Fairer planning judgements for 'Major Applications'

public sector funding

Preserve historic built heritage

Allocate more land for travelers to pitch on

Sort out domestic recycling and waste management

Be consulted on ALL changes

Increase free public toilet provision

More cooperation between councils in the recycling

Encourage biodiversity on council grounds

Let's have Services, not Forms


make councils and their workers accountable

dropped kerbs

Public Sector Procurement

Full Partnership in managing the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Give Community Council's 1% of their Council's budget

Local community representation in the Highland Council

Local Governance & Taxation

Public benches/seating

Review local government in the Highlands

Community tax reform

Childfree public spaces and housing across Scotland

More community gardens and allotments for urban dwellers

re opening libraries

Allow responsible dog owners to continue using e-collars

Develop community assemblies.

Holding Public Bodies To Account

We need to make our local main streets busy again

Revitalise Scotland’s high streets

Safe and free social spaces

Explore the future of Scotland's towns & cities post COVID

Trains and HS2


Travel Insurance and Road Upkeep

Reopen the South Suburban Railway in Edinburgh

Encouraging Sustainable travel

Public Transport

Safer Junctions

Paint Speed Limit On Road

Properly integrated public transport systems

No Bus service for Holyrood Rd

Free transport for 16 to 20 year olds

car tax and fuel duty.

Buses for Dumbiedykes

Prosecute excessive vehicle noise (including motorcycles)

Public transport in public hands

Safer Roundabouts

Better Cycling Infrastructure

Expanding rail network into Southern Clydesdale

Improve direct transport links between Scotland and Europe

Holiday brochures

Self - driving cars

Expand Free Public Transport to Rail

Infrastructure for electric vehicles

Allow disabled people on night buses

Make high speed dual carriageways cycle free

Providing free concessionary bus travel to under 25’s

Affordable Public Transport

Free transport for unpaid carers

spaces for people removal

Get rid of Spaces for People and Low Traffic Neighbourhood

Free public transport for all

Extend concessionary ferry vouchers to Islanders Under 25

Limit gunfire near sites of religious/spiritual importance

Support farmers and crofters to improve animal welfare

Responsible Tourism

Ban Wood Burning Stoves

Providing ample facilities for tourists.

How to replace the Common Agricultural Policy?

land reform

Protect Fragile Communities

Ban Greyhound racing

Animal Rights

An end to the inequitable ownership of land in Scotland

The humane treatment of animals

Sustainable development, land ownership and population regen

Self sufficiency in food production

Free broadband for all

Sustainable Tourism, Wild Camping and Access Rights

changing BSL laws and ending breed discrimination

Classify sitka plantation forestry as agriculture

Legislate against delivery surcharges and black holes

Fast broadband throughout Scotland

Stop killing our wildlife

Covid 19 recovery - end factory farming

Ban Disposable Barbeques & Limit Campfires

Rural communities are not just farmers

Land Value Tax

Value farming

Set up and maintain a Land Ownership register.

Protect the green urban environment

All public sector menus to include plant-based options daily

End new oil and gas exploration as soon as possible

Acknowledge the need for systemic change across the board

National Fund for UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Bring back the walrus

Protect and improve urban green space

Co-operate with EU to tackle the climate emergency

Reduce polution

Delivery plans to tackle the climate crisis

The planet

Lease our seabed for energy production by MWh generated

Repurposing, reusing and recycling

Rewild Scotland

Nature-based jobs

Biosphere sustainability

Scotland needs nature recovery targets

A national nature network

Prioritise habitats and wildlife corridors over development

Enforce draconian penalties for littering & fly tipping

Reduce packaging for food and goods

Protecting and restoring nature

Get us all on board with climate emergency policies

Limiting population growth

Net Zero Apparel

Get the population engaged in combatting climate change now.

Climate Change

Follow the science on man-made structures in the ocean

Ending North Sea Drilling

Restore 3 Mile Inshore Commercial Fishing Restrictions

Monoculture tree plantations - misleading data

Climate change

Restore seagrass meadows

Heating our homes in the future

Future Homes

Air Miles Levy on the minority who fly frequently

Climate resilience

Fighting Climate Change

Disinvest fossil fuels

Nature recovery targets

Clean Air Legislation in Argyll & Bute

Stop new plastic production globally

Period dignity for girls

Ending export of plastic "recycling" to any other countries

Rewet peat bogs as a matter of urgency

create a national energy company

Stop trimming road verges

Ban digging from peat bogs entirely

Child welfare hearing reform

Review and Change the Scottish Legal system

Equal Rights for children and non resident parents

grandparents have no access to family courts

Add Consent to standard sex education

Update online safety education


‘Ready to Learn’ supports for all BGE pupils

Alternative Education

Sexual violence against girls in schools

A review of EMA

Prevent bi and tri level classes at upper secondary

Climate Education to be implemented into the curriculum

Increase mental health support in schools

Increase funding for diversity education and support

teaching about the needs of disabled kids

Ensure Funding for Interrupted Learners Services

Let children play

Sign language classes in public schools

Education for peace

That all Schools should have counsellors available daily.

Better chances for blind and partially sighted young people

Raise Pupil Equity Fund For Pupils From 3-18

Good governance

Education by level, not age

Counterfeit Goods and Consumer Protection

proper funding and resources for additional support needs in

Rshe (Relationships, Sex and Health Education)


Gender and Sex in Education

Gender critical awareness in framing legislation which impac

Support arts education across all levels

Teach Scotland’s Colonial Legacy in Schools

Completely reform education curriculums and grading system

Opportunity for young people to study psychology

Combat Online Radicalisation in Schools

Introduce bilingual education for community languages

improving the education of our children

Remove illegal trans guidance from schools

Social Housing

External paint grant for people living in grey harled houses

Support housing rights of EU citizens living in Scotland

Allow tenants to keep pets

Housing for disabled people

keep the rent cap on private homes

Access to housing

Reform planning laws to allow more ultra-green housing

Rent Caps and Tenant's Rights

Independant Advocacy

Require new build developers to include local amenities

Help for private lets

Ban winter evictions

Affordable and availability of housing - Second Homes

Rent controls

Housing First

freeing up underoccupied homes

Investigate Flats & Repairs

Affordable housing

BBC and daytime scheduling

Scottish Heritage and Culture

Prioritise Scotland’s cultural interests with the EU

Taic a bharrachd dhan Ghàidhlig ann an coimhearsnachdan ùra

Continued support for arts, culture and the Gaelic language

Introduce & promote working class history month

Set up a wholly owned Scottish Lottery and keep the enormous

History and King John Bailliol and the Interregnum

Consider Introducing a Gaelic 'Language Nest' Project

Broadcaster to replace BBC institutional Unionist bias

Protect Scotland’s Community Facilities

The Government must increase support for the Gaelic Language

Abolish the BBC tv licence

The government must increase support for the Scots language

A Gaelic Language (Public Administration) ( Scotland) Act

expansion of the Community Payback system

Human Rights Law enshrined in Home Contents policies

Proscribe the Orange Order as a hate group.

Scrap 'Nordic Model' of Criminalisation of Sex Work

Introduce Tough Drink Spiking Laws

Hold people accountable for online hate

Change the legal definition of rape to include women rapists


Crack down on Transphobia

Corporate and Social Responsibility

Prison reform and rehabilitation

Prevent Fraud, Scam Calls, Texts, Emails

Scot Gov work with sex workers

Financial exploitation of older vulnerable people

Mental health in prisons

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Defamation by Dismissal and Corporate Mismanagement

Mental Health Law integrated with Employment Law

Ban fireworks for private use

decriminalise cannabis

Police Scotland Staff Pay Claim 2021

Address, label, and hold Hate groups accountable

Fully Protect Freedom of Speech for Everyone

Accountability within authorities

Legalise cannabis

Decriminalise Drug Possession

Make parents legally responsible for damage done by kids

Review of SPS Policy on Transgender Prisoners

Raise productivity and wellbeing and reduce harm from work

Protect the interests of Scottish businesses with the EU


Overtourism/realistic benefits of tourism

Employee Ownership

promote worker ownership (Co-operatives)

Protect cash in the economy by guaranteeing access and use

Mandate use of Small Business for modest Public Contracts

Consumer Safeguards for Unsafe Products


Closest possible alignment with EU to aid post Covid recover

Ban China from selling non refundable goods

Get the ferries built

Upgrade transport links and roads to island communities

Lifeline Ferry priority for islanders

Fix the ferries.

Adopt Central European Time as part of Independence

Monarchy Committee instead of a King or Queen

Economic powers for recovery

Stop investing in nuclear weapons

Get rid of Trident

Financial statement for independence

Second independence referendum

Charge England/US eye-watering amounts of rent for Faslane

Introduce Online/Digital Voting

Abandon the MSP list system

nuclear weapons

Case for independence


Set up a Constitution for an Independent Scotland.

Allow constituents to instruct MSP's on their vote wishes

When will my kids get vaccinated?

What alternative methods of C-19 vaccination can be offered?

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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