Reduce the number of printers

Reduce the number of printers

What changes would you like to see in Session 6? Reduce the availability of printers in offices. How can this help reduce the Parliament’s environmental impact and embrace sustainability? Homeworking has demonstrated that most work can be achieved digitally. Reducing the number of printers in the building will encourage people to think more carefully about whether they need to print documents. Printers could be located away from offices to reduce unnecessary printing. This will help to reduce waste from printing and energy use in the buliding and emissions from recycling paper.


Having printers in one or more central locations will not only reduce pages printed, but those that are printed will do so with fewer resources as fewer, larger, more efficient devices can be used reducing the waste from consumables for toner/ink, the energy needed, and the components that need recycled/disposed of when the device reaches the end of its usable life

Learning more about accessibility for our website would help us develop documents that are more user friendly digitally as well. Our organisation is so reliant on the printed word, when many people digest information better through other means. Recording short videos, meeting to talk rather than preparing papers, using the intranet and SP Share more effectively could all help us reduce reliance on paper records.

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