Sustainable Development and Climate Change Plan

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Plan

The Sustainable Development and Climate Change Plan is based on the vision “making a positive difference to the lives of people in Scotland”. Learn more by clicking the ❔ icon at the top of this page and selecting 'more information'.


Ebike conversion kits

Electric charging points for bikes

No car parking on non-business days and recess

Stricter rules on the use of contract taxis

Less flights for business travel

EV hire cars

E bike improvements

Slow travel


Reduce the number of printers

Zero waste: recycling for soft plastics

Grow our own food

Ensure catering provision minimises food waste

Low carbon menu

Teams calling - audio only

Full homeworking in winter recess

Create our own energy play space

Switch off Boiling Water taps at Tea Points

Energy Efficiency increase

Turn offices into collaborative working places

Less printers

More home working

More flexible working between home and office

Letterheads, business cards

Policy that meetings with external people are done by Teams

A carbon budget for the Parliament

Adopt a four day working week

Education for better choices

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information