More home working

More home working

What changes would you like to see in Session 6? More remote working How can this help reduce the Parliament’s environmental impact and embrace sustainability? Less staff commuting will reduce environmental impact of commuting, reduce energy use in the building


Many teams could work from home entirely or largely during recess periods. Would be good to have this option for those with older families, who don't necessarily need to directly care for a child during the day, but can't leave the child in the house alone.

This should only be for those that want to do it - not all of us relish working from home. Lack of space in small houses is a major issue esp if others in the house are having to work from home too

I think this would undermine our core work. In person is essential for some of the complex, cross team and challenging work that we do. Flexible I agree is good, an effort to do both home and in work. We will all need to work together to find the best way of doing this and it needs to be on a person by person, team by team basis but ultimately we are there to do our job and it has to be what is best for running business.

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