What changes would you like to see in Session 6? The pandemic has shown that events and meetings can be done digitally, so there should be more control over the number of flights being authorised to attend business meetings and events, particularly if the host organisation has digital attendance as an option How can this help reduce the Parliament’s environmental impact and embrace sustainability? Less flights, less contribution to damaging emissions
Not really against but a reminder that some of us suffer from motion sickness. I can travel slowly but couldn't work while travelling. The organisation has to embrace the lost time.
Emissions absolutely have to be cut. Technology such as Teams and Zoom has made it easy for anyone to participate in a meeting without being there and this should be chosen above travel whenever possible.
Flights within the UK should be banned, flights within Europe limited and international flights only possible having gone through a high level sign off process.
It's important to recognise that places that are far away are far away and it takes time to get there and that we can now work on trains with wifi so time isn't lost. So, even if going to say, the Northern Ireland Assembly or Welsh Parliament, managers should be willing to allow the time it takes to get there and back by train/ferry etc.
If an in person meeting is necessary flights are not always the least environmentally friendly way to travel. Older ferries create more pollution than small aircraft? Orkney, Shetland and Western isles?
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation