Harness Innovation and new ways of working post Covid

Harness Innovation and new ways of working  post Covid

Whilst recent months have undoubtedly been hard, COVID-19 has shown us that change is possible and can be achieved quickly when the political will exists. The new choices which emerged for people with during the COVID-19 pandemic around flexible working, study and access to healthcare should be built into ‘ resetting ’ agendas across all policy sectors in Scotland. For education , ensure that remote learning material and resources are readily available for students with fluctuating long-term health conditions, when they are unable to attend school or college at short notice For employment, ensure that reasonable adjustments are available for people with fluctuating long-term health conditions so that they are able to retain the choice of flexible working when required. For health, continue to promote the use of remote health monitoring and access options to both improve the patient experience and reduce demand on secondary care services


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