National Fund for UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

National Fund for UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Set creative and legally-binding 2030 targets which are wholeheartedly and comprehensively commensurate with reversing the 50%+ loss of biodiversity suffered in our lifetime. Forge a new National Fund to pull together funding commensurate with this vital, literally vital, task. Complete the natural journey of the Scottish Land Use Strategy, seemingly abandoned in 2016, by requiring it to conclude a collective solution to the ecological emergency. Everyone can contribute to this through life choices, but landowners hold the main keys - require them to turn their keys fully to enable and ensure delivery against these essential targets. Proactively promote and support organic and regenerative agriculture. Stop support for unsustainable systems. Make pesticide dependence a thing of the past. Stop professionally-burdened volunteering from thieving green jobs and shift the emphasis to gaining sustainability through livelihoods to deliver the massive task ahead. Employ fully resourced emergency-scale ecology teams in every ward to develop, negotiate and deliver biodiversity recovery plans across the country. Moratorium on developments which do not deliver 10 times more biodiversity benefit than the damage they inflict. Ditch greenwash. Require local authorities to stop accepting clearly damaging "business as usual" development-led planning applications from landowners and businesses. Educate land agents to tell the difference between what was but is no longer acceptable and what is now wholly required of their services to landowners. This will also relieve huge amounts of defensive time and energy wasted by the environment sector in opposition which they can then redirect to constructive restoration through collaboration. A huge resource there for landowners and businesses to benefit from. Fund recovery, not perpetuating decline. Shift fossil fuel subsidies to ecosystem restoration. Step change to a green economy, a wellbeing economy. Let our ecosystems recover from the soil and water up, land, sea and air. Our health, wellbeing, productivity, food and energy security will all prosper. It is our only future – let the penny drop.


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