why have we not reintroduced some restrictions on movements

why have we not reintroduced some restrictions on movements

Since there now appears to be an increase in Covid cases, surely it is time to reconsider the reintroduction of some moderate restrictions in movements. It is relevant to do this because of increasing pressures on the NHS and since winter is upon us more prudent to introduce restrictions again. Question answered. Read the official report: https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/what-was-said-in-parliament/CVDR-04-11-2021?meeting=13387&iob=121485 Watch the full clip: https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/covid-19-recovery-committee-november-4-2021?clip_start=09:58:51&clip_end=09:59:51


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