Staying safe

Staying safe

The Committee is scrutinising the Scottish Government's approach to health protection measures (face masks, social distancing, testing etc.). Tell us your questions about the Scottish Government's ongoing response to COVID-19. Click '?' for details of our discussion rules and the privacy notice.


Impact of restrictions on blind & partially sighted people

When will acute mental health wards review restrictions?

Disabled Adult Day Resource Centres

Should everyone in the classroom wear a mask at college.

Unnecessary deaths due to GP's only focusing on Covid

Why were care homes & their clients not protected better?

When can we have a hot food selection at College again?

What funds will be made available to support third sector

Why are GPs still not seeing patients?

High risk contacts: Why is 15 min definition no longer used?

Why were restrictions lowered so soon?

When will Scot Gov update the COVID-19 symptom list?

Why is the guidance on COVID 19 symptoms so limited?

Why not return to stronger mitigation measures?

why have we not reintroduced some restrictions on movements

Why do we not go into mass immunity?

Vaccine Passports

Why are school children being told to mask up?

Has transmission in Scottish schools been underestimated?

My question is where is this £100million pounds that FM said

Protections for Children

How is Scot Gov assessing Long Covid risks in children?

Are we doing enough to address the problem of infected air?

Learning from 2015/16 simulation exercises

Short but strong messaging?

How to submit a question.

Why have provisions been stopped for people self isolating?

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