Ayrshire Cancer Support provide practical help and emotional support to anyone affected by cancer in Ayrshire - one of the services we provide is patient transport to and from hospital appointments for cancer treatment. Where we used to be able to transport 3 patients per car, during the pandemic and to comply with social distancing measures and Government guidelines, we altered our service to take only 1 patient per car instead. This has significantly raised our transport costs and our need for volunteer drivers. At the beginning of the pandemic there were emergency supplies of funds to help support third sector organisations providing key services, whereas now much of the emergency funding has stopped while the restrictions remain. Question answered on 16th December: https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/covid-19-recovery-committee-december-16-2021?clip_start=11:04:24&clip_end=11:08:37 Read the official report here: https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/what-was-said-in-parliament/CVDR-16-12-2021?meeting=13486&iob=122409
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