Research to measure the impact of COVID on young people

Research to measure the impact of COVID on young people

The Committee recommends that the Scottish Government should commission research utilising quantitative and qualitative methods, as a matter of urgency, to provide an analysis of how different cohorts have been affected by Covid. This could draw and then build on existing research, to give a more comprehensive view of the current situation. This should ensure better understanding of what the needs of different groups are now, in order to assist local authorities and national agencies in determining what additional measures may be necessary to support children and young people.


Pandemic has magnified existing inequalities so future research should absolutely take into account impact of covid but not as a standalone factor.

You probably won’t speak to learners and if you do not enough weight will be given to their views or the views of parents of children with ASN

Lots of research is already available, how about local authorities start speaking to and listening to children, young people and families/ parents? If you want to know about the impacts ask those effected. It is astounding that we are so far into this pandemic yet, local authorities continue to act as they always have - holding all the power and keeping it firmly there. Local authorities need to be held to account more

I agree and would welcome this data in order to help me plan for the future with my school community.

every child and young person is different. But parents must be involved in the research.

We should be looking a preventative measures, public health measures, protection for children. Children do get Long Covid, they are hospitalised and some do tragically die from this disease. The children already affected by the above needed support in 2020 and 2021. There must be more urgency.

This is a waste of money and resources as councils have no additional resources to act on any recommendations. Staff numbers have been reduced, no access to guidance for emotional/wellbeing support (all now outsourced) and all asn support removed. Additional measures will not be actioned.

Research needs to focus on the ongoing impact of the pandemic and not obsess over periods of lockdown. We need to understand what the loss of support services is having on children (and many of these services are still not back to pre-pandemic levels of support - which, to be honest, was often woefully inadequate). Research needs to tell us about the impact, what is now needed and set big targets for recovery that SG must fund.

Support is needed in different ways but fundamentally I think pupils need to be safe in schools and with as little absence as possible. This should not be pretending Covid isn’t there but ensuring each classroom has adequate ventilation. Investment needs to be made ie not just opening windows (which I imagine will be done less as Covid fades from the front of people’s minds) but HEPA filtration/other ventilation in schools.

The effects of lockdown on children were completely underestimated and will be seen for years to come,

I think that the lockdowns increased the gap between children with ASL needs and kids who didn't have challenges engaging with online work. I would like this area to be investigated with recommendations for how to narrow this gap.

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