COVID 19: The Impact on Children & Young People

COVID 19: The Impact on Children & Young People

In late 2021, the Committee held meetings about the impact of the pandemic on education with groups and organisations. We've produced a report and now we want your views on our findings. Click on our ideas below to rate 👍 or 👎 and comment on them 💬.


Research to measure the impact of COVID on young people

Some found it hard to access education and childcare hubs.

We appreciate the effort of all those who provided support.

More could have been done to assess the needs of children.

The pandemic is not over... Support & planning must continue

Communicating effectively with young people

Comparing 2020 and 2021 exam results with other years

Digital support was good but there are still some issues

Understanding the impact of the £240m spent on recruitment

Needs of pupils have increased and extra support is needed

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