The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every part of our lives. It is presenting challenges to the way we work and learn. It has challenged how and, at times, to what extent we can interact with our families, friends and communities. The Committee recognises the efforts of all those who support children and young people during this challenging time. The Committee acknowledges the sheer scale and variety of challenges posed by the pandemic. It also recognises the efforts of all those working to support children and young people and respond to these challenges, at pace.
Please engage with Long Covid Kids charity.
the teachers tried their very best with limited tech experience adapting to the changes.
many workers including low paid women workers were in the front line and their contribution to the smooth running of hubs in schools and support of vulnerable students has not been acknowledged as it should have been
This response is split in two - yes thank you to all that have tried their best - this is to those on the front line - teachers and head teachers. No thanks at all to local authority leaders and politicians who didnt listen, engage or respond to parental concerns and even now are still not listening when we are raising issues
I feel that this is one of the very few 'positives' of the pandemic. This crisis highlighted the enormous kindness and generosity of staff and further emphasised the partnership working too.
Teachers have really done their best with the situation over the past two years. Tech issues at first, some gaps in teaching. Difficult times. They have made themselves available at all times (whether it was online teaching or face to face); our school is offering study support at lunch & after school as well as at Easter to help (sadly not taken up by many).IPads have been given out to all pupils & this has been a great help to my children (for work & communication to teachers through Teams).
Yes but it highlighted many failings in the system, lack of standardised curriculum up to age 14, failure to use GLOW prior to lockdown and lack of abilities of teachers and pupils using this, no standard instructions on how to use either. Some staff gave their all but others refused to engage and regularly did not provide work or mark submissions which was demoralising for pupils who engaged.
The teachers on the ground worked extremely hard to support students. Unfortunately they shouldn’t have been put in that position, there have also been ignored and are facing huge issues day to day in schools.
Agree and disagree. Those on the front line of support (teachers / school staff) should be celebrated. However, the response of partners and support services was insufficient. Too often, school partners focused on self-protection and didn't recognise the impact that the removal of their support has on children. In this, I include social work, Ed Psych, CAMHS and many NHS services.
Agree but noting that there was a HUGE disparity between teachers who went the extra mile during lockdowns (and should be celebrated) and those that simply posted links to advert-filled and pedagogically-dubious internet quizzes for schoolwork... and that's just within one school! I'd also note the impact on teacher's mental health as most have been struggling and doing their best for so long.
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