The Bill would restrict when the public can buy or use CAT F2 and CAT F3 fireworks to specific times, such as Bonfire Night and New Year’s Eve. The Bill would allow fireworks to be supplied at the following times: (a) 7 April to 14 April, (b) 27 October to 10 November, (c) 26 December to 31 December, (d) the first day of Chinese New Year and the 3 days immediately preceding it, (e) the first day of Diwali and the 3 days immediately preceding it. If you agree with this proposal rate it up (👍), if you disagree, rate it down (👎). Please tell us why you agree or disagree using the comment boxes below.
I can't celebrate my birthday 🥳🎂🥳
"The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents notes that the consultation paper is silent on consumers stockpiling fireworks outwith the approved periods of sale."...enough said!
Think certain dates to sell them is a good idea but that is too many dates should be bonfire night only if at all
All fireworks cause distress, should be banned.
37 days is far too many. Five festivals, five days. And this is a really poorly designed consultation.
It is still to easy to acquire fireworks and many are now using them as part of "normal" family celebrations/parties rather than on very special occasions
fireworks should only be available at planned times of the year not any time
Please ban all fireworks
All fireworks cause distress.
You can buy them at specific times then just store them until you want too use them out of those dates
These so called celebratory fireworks cause distress.
The restrictions should be extended and fireworks should only be sold to organised groups
Fireworks are dangerous causing harm to pets and wildlife. In the absence of a complete ban except for professionals this is a good development
Great to restrict to certain days. Managing pets and people with PTSD is horrible when they can't plan for this. Its a good compromise to allow people to still have some fun but not allow it be an unpredictable free for all
It's ridiculous. The UK is becoming a full-on 'Nanny State'. Monitor and prosecute those who DON'T abide by rules and guidelines, but STOP dictating what normal, sensible, responsible people can and can't do, regarding personal choice and enjoyment! GET A LIFE, bloody 'Fun Police' 😡😡😡
Doesn’t go far enough unless someone invents silent fireworks.
It still allows the public to buy and set off fireworks
Still don’t think this goes far enough should be sold the day before & day off event I’m sick of them lasting fir a week or more
In my opinion fireworks should only be at organised licenced events. The NHS and Fire Service are busy enough without the added pressure of Firework misuse.
People in general are responsible and fireworks create great excitement for children
this is a meaningless proposal. Might as well not bother with any restrictions. Only formally organised events should be allowed to use fireworks
Agree in principle but too many dates here, just Bonfire night, Diwali and NYE
No restrictions other than those already in place. The majority who enjoy fireworks have the right to enjoy them at any time of year to celebrate wedding, gender reveal, birthdays etc. Stats show fireworks are less trouble some and less dangerous than dogs so get your priorities right and stop pandering to the noisy minority.
Fireworks are used to celebrate wedding and many other occasions. They are enjoyed by the great majority and it is only an very vocal minority they bad mouth them. They are also a great part of our economy, tradition and should not be restricted to a few days a year.
Yes and no. Yes, restrict the periods. But no cos the periods proposed are too long. Why allow purchase for a period AFTER the event they’re for? Or even better ban all sales and use of these explosives which cause disturbance, distress, injury , pollution and litter.
Fireworks cause too much distress for many people and animals
People like to celebrate events such as weddings with fireworks, the current law is sufficient to allow the genuine legal use of fireworks, the current laws should be enforced to stop the illegal and anti-social use.
This makes sense
This cuts down the misused times and allows the police to be controlled
whilst i agree with restricting sales this does not stop people stock piling fireworks to use when the want
It is still too much. We don't need to buy fireworks privately. Organised displays are fine - people buy them privately and they are poor quality making noise and pollution for little aesthetic return. Ban private sales.
Because its not restrictive enough and open to abuse
Fireworks should be date restricted but this doesn't go far enough. There's no reason to have such a wide spread of dates, if we must have them limit it to 1 day for specific festivals during the year. Given corporations and governments are driving towards a global climate catastrophe everything that can be done to reduce environmental impact should be done. No fireworks would be a small price to pay if it helps limit global warming before a tipping point is reached where it won't matter.
Idiots will just stockpile them and we’ll still be plagued by them at all times of the year.
It doesn’t sound very restrictive. What days are they sold on now? How can you make people be sensible? Why would you buy November 10th for November 5th? Fireworks are pretty they aren’t a necessity.
The general public should not be able purchase fireworks
Only professionals should be allowed to buy fireworks
Fireworks cause a great deal of distress to animals, people and are potentially very dangerous. Whilst, I view this proposal as a step in the right direction and have stated I support this, this does not go far enough.
Doesn’t go far enough
I would prefer an outright ban but this is progress
The public shouldn’t be able to buy explosives at all
The general public should not be able to buy and operate explosives
There is too much latitude and regulations must b much tighter. Fireworks should only be available via organised firework displays.
Yes but maybe allow purchases for licensed personal events at dedicated retailers
Fireworks should be banned completely.
I think there are too many dates. 2 days for each event is more than enough
Fireworks are not always used safely or properly. Elderly people and domestic pets are particularly distressed by the many, unnecessary fireworks displays and unlicensed usage which seems to start earlier each year. I see no reason why the can’t be banned except for organised displays, special events etc. The wildlife are also suffering as well as dying from shock with the loud noises surrounding their habitat. Please just ban them for everyone’s sake.
Far too many dates there. If people want to have pyro at an event, it should be done by a professional, licensed company and they should be prepared to pay for that service as these folks will have to be trained. I get that it’s pretty to watch but maybe people should think harder about the devastating impact these things have on huge amounts of people and animals.
It would help to be aware when they would be used.
Should be banned completely. Fireworks should only be at official displays
They should not be on sale to the general public
Its a start, but I would like to see their use restricted to controled public displays only.
I don’t think they should be sold to public at all. Only commercial use.
Too many people use them for no apparent reason
Definitely and if weather prevents them using them on that one night they should be able to return them to the shop where they bought them from.
Should restrict when they can be used, not just when they can be bought
Know when to expect noise and pollution
At least there would be some warning as to what dates/times fireworks could be expected. However, there is no justification for the general public to purchase, possess or use fireworks. Move on and use light shows and or drones for displays. We don’t need the noise, pollution or disturbance of humans or animals
It's a step in the right direction and would mean people can't just let fireworks off whenever they want. I know people are saying things like "Oh it's becoming a nanny state" and "People just want to spoil other people's fun" but it's not that at all. If you have an animal you would understand the fear they go through and how hard it is to watch! At least if there are set dates it gives us pet owners a chance to prepare as best we can.
I would prefer a blanket ban on individual use.
There should be times when fireworks are not sold but more importantly the time windows should be when they are allowed to be set off. The general public should no longer have access to fireworks that cannot be regulated in their use.
It’s not the dates of supply that is the problem. It’s the random nature of use that means you can’t plan to take action to protect your animals from the fear and stress that fireworks cause. If an outright ban is not possible, at least restrict the legal use to specific dates and times.
They were intended for 5 November and even that seems inappropriate today. It seems Fireworks are used at any event now with scant regard to animal welfare etc
Noise from fireworks is distressing for animals and many people too. This would go some way to limiting what those affected have to endure.
Most of the comments relate to serious distress to animals, this is also my personal reason for being interested. However firework use also causes distress to many other vulnerable people and children, notable reasons being dementia, mental health and emotional reasons, autistic conditions etc. The also cause many injuries. I agree that outlawing them completely is probably not viable due to their popularity within social and cultural norms. Unexpected, random use causes a lot of distress.
It gives people time to plan how to best protect their animals in the best ways possible during festivities.
People with PTS and people with pets can prepare and be aware. But only people who put on organised council approved displays should use them unless they were quiet ones.
I accept that purchasing fireworks can be spread over several days but think that they should only be allowed to be set on on the day of celebration.
It makes perfect sense to restrict the sale of fireworks to certain times. At the moment fireworks seem to be set off from October through to January.
Public shouldn’t be able to buy them at all
Fireworks should not be sold to the public at all, the restricting of them to certain days does not go far enough to protect animals. The misuse of them will continue and the damage it does to out wildlife and harm to creatures is too much. Fireworks should be used at organised licenced events only on restricted limited celebration dates through the year and none should make noises at all.
Absolutely pointless. November 5th and no more.
Fireworks should not be available all year round to protect animals from distress they experience due to the noise/lights associated with fireworks. Some people buy them and use them irresponsibly, so by restricting their availability you are limiting the potential of irresponsible usage. I think the Bonfire Night period is, however, too long and should be shortened to one week.
This doesn’t go far enough. Too many windows of opportunity to buy and store
Would like to see a toyal outright ban for domestic use of noisy fireworks.
I think that they should be restricted full stop and be used for public displays only, on set dates. Given the above dates still means they can set them off as and when they want to! Like previous poster has said they would save them. Having had a firework thrown at me by some random stranger was the scariest experience I have ever had. I also have pets, one of which is terrified.
I agree if you are going to continue to let the public buy fireworks they should be restricted dates as to when you can purchase them. However the date ranges you propose are far too wide and this will allow fireworks to be let off on too many days around the actual event. People and animals that suffer from fireworks will have untold misery throughout the specified time period so it need to be reduced down to 2 or 3 days maximum.
Reasonable compromise
However, It should also be illegal for all adults to buy or possess fireworks at any time unless qualified and working for a professional company in the creation of an organised and controlled display. This questionnaire is skewed in favour of the status quo
Fireworks are a menace. People should not be allowed to buy them at all.
Allows people to know in advance
The public should not be able to buy fireworks for displays in built up areas. It is not only harmful to pets, they are a fire hazard and a nuisance
there should not be access to fireworks by everyone. these are dangerous explosives that often cause serious injury.
fireworks should only be for public display with trained users.
People can just bulk buy them when they can and still use them when they arent allowed to
Yes restrict the public buying and use to never.
It would give people a chance to calm there animals rather than random bangs goung off
the disturbance to our fellow wildlife creatures is highly likely, if any firework is available for use at any time.
People can store fireworks for use any time of the year. Plus you'll have people buying and storing them and then selling them illegally. Let's be sensible about this.
It does nothing to reduce the impact of fireworks at any time
I would ban them completely as we know that on every occasion that these explosives are used someone is going to be maimed or seriously injured and yet they keep being sold.
There should also be a restriction on how many people can buy, otherwise people could stck pile them.
it will limit the use of fireworks to national events
The use of fireworks is likely to be highly stressful to many forms of wildlife (& domesticated animals). Our wildlife is already under unprecedented pressure due to human activity, environmental degradation and climate change.
I'd ban the sale of fireworks to the public full stop. Only licenced organisations should be able to buy them for licenced events where they are under the control of a trained pyrotechnic operator.
I disagree with this part of the bill because the times indicated are far too wide. This can be evidenced by the number of fireworks set off in the street in the lead up to Bonfire Night. A much greater restriction is required.
Dates need to be very precise. Pet owners and livestock owners need to know when fireworks may be set off so they can do all they can to protect their animals. The proposed dates seem to be a. Little too generous but it is an important step in the right direction.
This does not go far enough. It still permits the public to use this category of fireworks, when they should be limited to qualified use. Effective licencing could achieve this aspect anyway
people will just stock pile them. An outright ban on public sales please.
Fireworks should be limited to licensed, official displays and not on sale to the public.
The dates allow too generous a period
This is better than nothing but doesn’t go far enough. Ban sales to the public altogether.
The issue is not dates on which fireworks can be sold, but rather when they can be used. If they are sold on certain dates some anti-social people will use them whenever they feel like with no regard for others. As far as I am concerned only one date is acceptable and that is November 5th.
Fireworks cause great distress for many groups of people and animals, as well as some injury. The only pro- firework argument seems to be ‘well, we enjoy doing it’! - I’m sure perpetrators of all kinds of anti-social behaviour enjoy it, but that doesn’t make it acceptable. Victims of firework noise deserve protection. In the Uk, fireworks were traditionally only ever used around Bonfire night. Restricting use to the above dates would give people some respite from them.
At least those with animals or those who look after animals ie stables etc will have a better idea on which dates to expect firework use. At the moment, these things are being let off night and day, all year round. It also helps the Police or any local authority to clamp down on usage outside of these dates, making it easier to prosecute if needs be.
This is still too much firework time. Ban them completely. Humanity has to wake up to the fact that so much of what we do in the name of entertainment causes damage and distress to the other beings with whom we share the planet. We must return to living in a more harmonious way with life on earth, and fireworks are in no way harmonious.
I am NOT against a Bill to prohibit the growing use of fireworks, however I strongly disagree with the list of dates above because (a) there are far too many dates and (b) why should residents and animals be subjected to more than one day of special event loud noise and pollution? There are far too many, frankly, unnecessary reasons for setting off dangerous fireworks. Surely the first step is to educate about the downside of fireworks.
In principle, I absolutely agree with the Bill. However, the long list of dates is, frankly, far too much. Which is why I previously posted having indicated I am against. I thought I had better click the agree button to balance the answer. The way the question has been set up doesn’t allow for this.
we need to restrict when fireworks can be bought, we also need to restrict the lighting of fireworks to these periods so that people caring for animals and vulnerable people can prepare and know they only have to be concerned during certain times of the year.
I think that public, unlicenced use should be totally banned
buying at these times is ideal but doesn’t mean they won’t store them and use them at another date
It gives pet owners at least some idea of when all the terrifying bangs are going to be happening so we can try and make arrangements to get our animals away or deal with their terror.
If we know when fireworks are likely we can plan better
The use of noisy fireworks should be banned altogether. Only allow the use of quiet fireworks.
I don't think members of the public should be able to buy fireworks at all
broadly, I agree, but there needs to be strict enforcement. If these restrictive days are enforced, at least those responsible for animals or vulnerable people will know what to expect and can plan properly to manage the effects.
Night after night over winter we have fireworks go off near our home and the distress it causes to my pets and my friends pets is awful. Enough is enough we need laws to protect those without voices.
it would limit their use but there still seems to be a wide timescale of when fireworks can be bought
I would support this as long as it went hand in hand with some of the other proposals such as firework control zones (the when where etc) licensed users, training, restrictions on who can purchase etc
I’d quite happily do away with them altogether but fair enough, I’m happy for them to be sold at these times, at least us pet owners will know ahead of time
Fireworks cause distress to animals and people on ANY date
Anonymous User "Fireworks cause great distress for many groups of people and animals, as well as some injury. The only pro- firework argument seems to be ‘well, we enjoy doing it’!" A very blinkered view. Fireworks are enjoyed by millions every year. The most spectacular form of entertainment for weddings and parties, raise millions for small charities. The annual back garden bonfire night brings families together.
Anonymous User "Fireworks are animal abuse, the more restrictions the better" Which came first fireworks or your pet? Everyone who bought a dog into a world where fireworks already exist should stay quiet. You are the problem.
Anonymous User "It's a step in the right direction and would mean people can't just let fireworks off whenever they want. I know people are saying things like "Oh it's becoming a nanny state" and "People just want to spoil other people's fun" but it's not that at all. If you have an animal you would understand the fear they go through and how hard it is to watch!" Were there no fireworks around when you bought your pet?
winschild "there should not be access to fireworks by everyone. these are dangerous explosives that often cause serious injury." But nowhere as many or as serious as the injuries inflicted by dogs on innocent children and the elderly.
chris "In my opinion fireworks should only be at organised licenced events. The NHS and Fire Service are busy enough without the added pressure of Firework misuse." I guess they are much busier dealing with the thousands of injuries from dog attacks to be overly concerned about a handful of firework injuries.
Anonymous User "Know when to expect noise and pollution" Yes, when your neighbour gets a dog that yaps 24/7/365 and it's owner allow it to foul the pavement.
Anonymous User "the disturbance to our fellow wildlife creatures is highly likely, if any firework is available for use at any time." Cats kill 100,000,000 birds every year (RSPB). Dogs kill 15,000 sheep each year. (Scottish farmers) Dogs kill other dogs and people. 'Fireworks are the problem' they all shout from behind their blinkers.
Needs to be but what are these dates? April? and 27th Oct-10th November? What is this? Bonfire night is ONE night! 5th November. WHY WHY WHY can't we manage to stick to one day? We didnt have a whole week of fireworks when i was young? Its pathetic.
Members of the public with disabilities such as PTSD and anxiety and pet owners sometimes have to endure night after night of fireworks from Halloween until well after bonfire night. One firework going off can take really upset our dog for at least half an hour. What seems like fun to some is horrific for us. I dread this time of year and have panic attacks trying to get home before the fireworks start. The worst time of the year becuase there is no rules. Organised displays wouldn't cuase this.
I would prefer that the general public enjoy fireworks at organised events only.
Not the best idea. Professional retailers of fireworks will not be able to sustain a viable business if selling days are restricted.
It is better if there will be some time limitations, but this number of days still looks like too many opportunities for thoughtless people to cause distress to animals.
I agree with restricted dates but would like these to be tighter
No public sale of fireworks period
This measure is seen as reflecting the need to curb the use of fireworks, whilst still allowing their use. Respondents mentioned their use under the guise of Bonfire Night as early as September and then again on or closer to Bonfire Night and the impact experienced by people who are hard of hearing, experiencing PTSD, children, guide dogs and animals overall. Despite acknowledging that restricting its use to certain times of the year is a positive measure, the unpredictability of the setting off of fireworks was highlighted, even on a date when this is expected to take place. (Taken from session with RNIB Scotland on 23rd February.)
Despite acknowledging that restricting its use to certain times of the year is a positive measure, the unpredictability of the setting off of fireworks was highlighted, even on a date when this is expected to take place. (Taken from session with RNIB on 23rd February)
Would limiting the availability of fireworks may encourage people to hoard them? (Taken from session with RNIB on 23rd February)
It is not possible to check and prepare the material for a charity display that we do ourselves in the short time window proposed before Bonfire Night. Even if exceptions were there for organised events, what business in Scotland is going to exist to supply them when they can't sell to other consumers? How would larger orders even get delivered in such short time period when there are limited couriers who can transport the material.
I agree somewhat, but they should only be allowed in November. No need for all the other times, even New Year. People will adapt.
They are extremely stressful for all types of animals, pets, farm adn wildlife.
This would be helpful as it would give folk who find the use of fireworks difficult a chance to prepare. There should also be a curfew on displays. (Erskine Session 3rd March)
I agree because we need something in place to limit the fear and damage fireworks and thoughtless people can do.
Time around Bonfire night should be shorter. Goes on for weeks
I want a total ban
Fireworks are animal abuse, the more restrictions the better.
This does not go far enough - there are too many dates. Why donpeople still need to have fireworks available 5 daya aftwr the 5 November for example. Personally I think we should have only organised displays on the actual date of the celebration, eg 5 Nov and NY eve, Diwali, Chinese NY. Why do people need them at weddings - surely the joy of marrying your life partner should be exciting enough
This does not go far enough - there are too many dates. Why donpeople still need to have fireworks available 5 daya aftwr the 5 November for example. Personally I think we should have only organised displays on the actual date of the celebration, eg 5 Nov and NY eve, Diwali, Chinese NY. Why do people need them at weddings - surely the joy of marrying your life partner should be exciting enough
Done properly and with due consideration to neighbours, there is no reason why anybody cannot enjoy fireworks outside of the ' season '. There are so many FB groups now that one can easily inform the dog and animal forums as an act of courtesy.
Fireworks should be completely banned for public use
Ther are too many dates. People can buy them and keep them for when they like. Police cant enforce the use as by the time they get there the fireworks have stopped.Only allow silent firework displays. Pretty lights and no noise.
Too many days, the sale (if any) and usage of fireworks should be limited even more.
TOTALLY DISAGREE ! As an all year round retailer , I see just how many out of season customers there really are . There really are literally a hand full of customers that buy fireworks out of season. And those sales are mostly to commemorate a lost one. Or to celebrate a special occasion. MOST of The fireworks you hear out of season are those that have been kept or are left overs from the previous year or bonfire.
Depending upon what day of the week November 5th falls, my community sometimes choose to run a self fired school display later than 10th November in order to avoid clashing with larger organised displays, and we don't want to be forced to run it on a weeknight when traffic near the school is busy and parking for the event could cause problems.
Current laws are sufficient ! They just need ENFORCEMENT !!
CURRENT LAWS ARE SUFFICIENT ! Perhaps ENFORCING current law is what will make the difference
I have agreed because some increased restriction would be better than none at all. However, I would like to see more restriction than is proposed.
Restricting the sale of fireworks might reduce the indiscriminate use of the sbove
at least you'd have an idea of when to expect them
No! ban the sale to, the possesion of, storage, transportation and use of all fireworks to any members of the public
This is far too many days to let fireworks go off until all hours of the night. This will not change the distress, trauma and terror that these fireworks cause to animals and humans.
Doesn’t go far enough, people already ignore dates and times they are allowed to use fireworks. Fireworks should not be available for general sale at any time. No one needs to let off fireworks in there garden there are plenty organised displays
You could buy and store the fireworks. This is a point which would lose support of general public as it is an unnecessary restriction on freedoms. Why not focus on reducing the noise they make rather than when they are available?
Far too many dates. Fireworks should not be available to the public at all.
I want to see total restriction of fireworks to licenced users only, not the general public. If however the decision is taken to allow sale to the general public then the dates for sale should be reduced to two days prior to the event.
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