Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill

Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill

The Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would restrict how people can buy & use fireworks & other ‘pyrotechnic items’ – like flares. The Scottish Parliament's Criminal Justice Committee want to know your views. Click on the boxes below to rate 👍 or 👎 and comment 💬 on the proposals.


Give police powers to stop, search & seize certain fireworks

Should the proposed law go further?

Making it illegal to give certain fireworks to under 18s.

Restrict the use of fireworks & pyrotechnics at events

Paying £30-50 for a licence to buy or use certain fireworks

Restricting when the public can buy or use certain fireworks

Requiring a licence to buy or use CAT F2 & CAT F3 fireworks

Local councils creating 'firework control zones.'

Taking an online course before getting a fireworks license

Does the proposed law go too far?

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