The Bill proposes to give Ministers powers to include some children's social work and social care services in the National Care Service in future via separate secondary legislation, subject to the outcome of further public consultation. For the purposes of this proposal, children’s social work and social care services are described as including: ⚫ Social work services for children and families and related social care services such as residential child care provision; ⚫ Provision of services which support families in the community to prevent children being brought into care; ⚫ Provision of services and supports to care experienced children and young people and their children; ⚫ Any service which provides support to children and young people and where there may be a change to support service during the transition period from child to adult services and the young person requires ongoing support in respect of wellbeing needs (e.g. disability, mental health, alcohol/substance use); ⚫ Youth Justice services. If you agree with these proposals in the National Care Service Bill click the thumbs up button (👍) below. If you disagree with these proposals click the thumbs down button (👎) below. If you are unsure about the proposals and feel you need to know more about them click the question mark button (❓) below. If you have any additional comments about these proposals please provide them in the comment section below.
I commend to you the recent proposal by the Welsh Government for ensuring good transition into adulthood at age 18 for those that have been in care settings during their childhood. A cash payment to smooth the transition so that youngsters do not become homeless is made. I have experience in this area if you need help, advice and guidance.
Why? Not recommended in the Feeley report, it only strips more power from locally democratically representatives.
I think in any further consultation about including children social work and social care services in the NCS should be mindful of the diverse range of children ( and services) that this includes - and to ensure that they hear from the children ( and families) who access the different supports and services. As a parent of a disabled child, I fully support the idea of the Children and Disability teams being part of the NCS, however, I can't comment on the other children services being considered.
I think this is a very good thing. This needs to happen to provide a bridge between child and adult care services, big approval for this.
Again, the principles behind the proposals are fine, but the case to remove from local authorities has not really been made. No guarantee that service delivery in its many complex forms will improve. Where is the evidence that a national, Scottish wide service for children and families is going to be better?
Generally I am in favour of this. However, the present Kilbranden system operates under different client related legislations Some give authorities the DUTY to do something, others the POWER. The former generally relates to child and prisoner care; the latter to adult and elderly care. DUTIES trump POWERS in terms of funding and the attractiveness of work. If the NCS is to 'get it right for everyone', this inequality of legislation needs to be addressed.
Concerned about mechanism for integrating all these areas of expertise and service into a big machine such as the proposed NCS. Essential that people understand the nature of these services as too often social work and social care all merged together in the thinking and these are diverse and distinct.
Recognition that all children in Kinship Care have experienced trauma as a direct result of being separated from parents and the circumstances and situation which has led to that separation. Little or no support at the moment and where support is identified long waiting lists. Will one referral ensure all aspects of child requirements are taken into account rather than being passed form pillar to post as current experiences. Support for biological children of Kinship Carers required as their worlds have changed considerably and the negative impact on them can be significant – particularly where the focus moves to the Kinship child who will have specific, significant needs. Example of family, on day 10 of trying to get a GP appt for a child, would this national service development improve this and in all areas of seeking appointments for medical help. All care experienced children should be treated the same and have access to the same supports irrespective of their legal status where at the moment LAC children will receive and those children who are Non LAC miss out. What does this child need? Should be the question asked for all care experienced children irrespective of legal status. Instead of having to fight for any help and support the question should be asked what do you need? And how can we help? when services are dealing with Kinship families. As for any child who is care experienced. Will all care experienced children under the new service receive the same levels of support and will needs be actively explored for all Kinship children?
Whole families should be supported where there is a Kinship arrangement in place, as the numbers of children living in Kinship Care has increased significantly and will continue to increase the disparity in support becomes all to obvious. Whole family support will enable the Kinship child to be best supported where the family are well both emotionally and physically, ensuring stability of placement and better outcomes for the child. At the moment there is no support for adult Kinship Carers, this includes Sibling carers who often have different challenges to other family and friend Kinship Carers will this change under a national service?
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