National Care Bill - Your Views on the Bill

National Care Bill - Your Views on the Bill

The Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would establish a National Care Service. Committees in the Scottish Parliament would like to hear your views. Click on the boxes below to rate πŸ‘ πŸ‘Ž or ❓ and comment πŸ’¬ on the proposals.


Creation of a National Care Service

National Care Service Principles

Emergency intervention in social care contracts

Ethical commissioning

Homelessness Services

Services included in the National Care Service

Compulsory purchase of land

National Care Service Commissioner

Dealing with complaints

Only voluntary organisations can bid for some contracts

Independent Advocacy

Research, training, and other activities

Justice social work services

Children's social work and social care services

Sharing information

Right to breaks for carers

Anne’s Law: Visits to or by care home residents

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