The Bill proposes to give Ministers powers to include some justice social work services in the National Care Service in future via separate secondary legislation, subject to the outcome of further public consultation. For the purposes of this proposal, justice social work services are described as including: ⚫ Assessments and reports to assist decisions on sentencing; ⚫ Court services to assist those attending court; ⚫ Group work interventions which are used to address offending behaviours using intervention programmes (such as the Caledonian Programme); ⚫ Bail information and supervision services as an alternative to custodial remand; ⚫ Supervising people on social work orders to tackle offending behaviour and its causes; ⚫ Supervising people who are required to perform unpaid, useful work for the benefit of the community; ⚫ Prison-based justice social work services to those serving custodial sentences that involve statutory supervision upon release; ⚫ Preparing reports for the Parole Board to assist decisions about release from prison; ⚫ Throughcare services including parole, supervised release and other prison aftercare orders to ensure public safety; and ⚫ Working collaboratively with justice partner agencies through the MAPPA process for those in the community deemed to be a risk to public protection. If you agree with these proposals in the National Care Service Bill click the thumbs up button (👍) below. If you disagree with these proposals click the thumbs down button (👎) below. If you are unsure about the proposals and feel you need to know more about them click the question mark button (❓) below. If you have any additional comments about these proposals please provide them in the comment section below.
I do NOT agree with this. I feel prisoners would benefit from a unification of prison social work and the probation service
How people end up in the Justice system. Less clear cut than the homelessness discussion, how did people get there? If someone is beaten up in prison, there should be some sort of care system to help them. It depends on the criminals and why they committed the crime. It could be that someone was desperate and did not have any money, they needed to feed their family. It is strange why this is considered as possible addition to the new NCS, but homelessness is not??
I applaud one unified system to bring coherence to all aspects of provision but the scale of the project must not be underestimated. Most youngsters encountering the justice system do so because social work has failed to make appropriate and timely interventions. Bringing some joined up thinking to a new radical approach is to be welcomed.
This seems like a mammoth task for already over-stretched and ineffective government. Will it allow for additional resources at a local level to capture the volume of additional information that will be required to be collated?
Why? Not recommended in the Feeley report, it only strips more power from locally democratically representatives.
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