Research, training, and other activities

Research, training, and other activities

The Bill enables Scottish Ministers and the new care boards to undertake or provide funding to support research, training and development of staff and other relevant activities connected to the delivery of the National Care Service. If you agree with these proposals in the National Care Service Bill click the thumbs up button (πŸ‘) below. If you disagree with these proposals click the thumbs down button (πŸ‘Ž) below. If you are unsure about the proposals and feel you need to know more about them click the question mark button (❓) below. If you have any additional comments about these proposals please provide them in the comment section below.


Kinship Carers are not recognised as unpaid Carers which is unfair as they do not receive payment for taking on their caring role. This means they do not have access to the opportunities experienced by other unpaid carers via local groups. Children in Kinship Care and biological children would benefit from meeting with other children in similar circumstances often organised via carer centres which Kinship Carers do not have access to as they often don’t meet the criteria. Kinship Carers as a group of carers remain undervalued, excluded and isolated compared to every other group of carers. Access to training, workshops and therapies would benefit Kinship Carers greatly and impact directly the child living in Kinship Care as their carers would be more informed, rested and knowledgeable. Access to services varies from area to area would this improve with a national service?

Providing those with lived experience are centrally included in such provision, particularly training.

Success will depend upon good research and appropriate training. The proposal is therefore entirely necessary.

Agree with need for training and research, but it needs to be value add and not a pet project, influenced by a particular agenda, that is not in public interest. Oversight of provision is key, with challenges over conflicts of interest, ensuring it provides Best Value for money.

I'm in agreement with fionamcc below

Would it be similar to NHS Education Scotland? Would it be independent?

Training and staff development highly important as a trained and motivated staff is very important. A chance for a career path and important it should help retain staff. My thoughts, this is an important thing. Research into methods into how to improve things is what is meant by research? I ask myself.

Sounds wonderful, but in practical terms I would need more information to decide if I agree with this statement. There are many different levels of training out there and not all of them a good enough or adequate enough to meet the standards I and my colleagues in social care for Learning disabilities would and do expect.

Training and research is important. A centralisation of this might provide consistency, avoid overlap from different bodies ( e.g. local authorities, Care Inspectorate, Scottish Care etc) and create efficiencies.

We agree training and development of staff is paramount to ensure a healthy pool of available people to deliver services. Raising the profile of a social care worker with good training, pay, and terms and conditions ensures they feel valued as a workforce.

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