Independent Advocacy

Independent Advocacy

The Bill gives Scottish Ministers the power to set up independent advocacy services in connection with services provided by the National Care Service. The Scottish Government highlights the importance of access to independent advocacy and brokerage services, including peer services, “in empowering people accessing support and unpaid carers” and ensuring “that their voices are heard” and intends to use this power to “develop and implement a coherent, consolidated and consistent approach to independent advocacy services across the range of NCS services”. If you agree with these proposals in the National Care Service Bill click the thumbs up button (👍) below. If you disagree with these proposals click the thumbs down button (👎) below. If you are unsure about the proposals and feel you need to know more about them click the question mark button (❓) below. If you have any additional comments about these proposals please provide them in the comment section below.


Advocacy and support for vulnerable youngsters is important. Clearly provision needs to be locally available so, a team of volunteers who are paid a fee for the support will be important.

Agree with proposal, but consideration is needed for how this will be managed at a local level. It is important that any provision is thought through, end to end, and not just at a principle level. How will it work in practice, take an example, and run some scenarios to test it.

Advocacy is indispensible. Peer group advocacy, particularly pre-assessment, but esentially peri-assessment, to ensure the person is fully empowered throughout their interaction with the social work/ care professionals. Peer group advocacy is all-important as it can show the person, tangibly, what can be achieved with the power of knowledge and agancy.

Independent advocacy is very important for our young people.

Where will the funding come from for the independent advocacy? We have four advocacy workers for the whole of one city! It isn't enough and people aren't being heard, so how will centralising everything help the people we support?

Personally speaking I for one support and believe independent advocacy and access to some is something very important and required. Back it 100%

Independent advocacy is important and needs to be resourced and funded - how will this come about?

The opportunity should be taken to expressly provide a right to advocacy for users and carers

The Scottish Government must provide universal access to sustainably funded Independent Advocacy services, available to anyone who requires them across their lifetime, as part of ensuring prevention, early intervention and access to justice; recognising that provision must be tailored to specific groups, including Care Experienced people. Evidence from the Bairns Supper report.

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