Highlight Parliament success more

Highlight Parliament success more

Panel discussion: shout about ourselves more online! Be proud of the success of the Parliament. It is a matter of marketing and market penetration. Given that people report a positive experience with engaging with the Scottish Parliament then it is a matter of finding the best marketing practices to reach as many people as possible. This idea is linked to the inquiry finding that: The Scottish Parliament needs to do more to tell people about its engagement and participation work, as those we reach are positive about the experience. Dr Danielle Beswick: Parliament must be better at telling stories about impact of engagement when people do take part including– giving evidence to committees, sign petitions, focus group participation etc. – Parliaments must improve on this


What success

I've seen over this experience what Parliament can do and the talent it has working for it. It is more than just the 129 MSPs and it would be good to make that clear.

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