Your ideas for recommendations!

Your ideas for recommendations!

This section is where you can start putting forward ideas for recommendations to answer our overall question: How can the Scottish Parliament ensure that diverse voices and communities from all parts of Scotland influence our work? Use the information gained so far and give reasons for your ideas. 💡


Form a mini Public to discuss MSP code of conduct

Further promote and improve use of Happy to Translate

Access for people with English as a second language

Make legislation easier to engage with & promote engagement

Building communities of practice

Local Media to engage communities

Community panel

Restart Parliament Days

Paying for protected and minority groups time to engage...

More research into level of trust and knowledge about Parl

Questions in the chamber should be less staged

Opportunity for people to engage on issues they care about

Look at the school curriculum to ensure pupils can engage

Tap into already existing Facebook groups

Explore more digital engagement innovations

Primary School competition to describe Scottish Parliament

Use media promoting positive experiences.

Mentoring through schools to build confidence to engage.

Communicating and engaging with young people

Framing a panel invite question for informed participation

Use experts by experience panels more often

Engaging with people with disabilities

Go to people where they are...

Improving public perception of the Scottish Parliament

All people should be able to participate without hinderence

Highlight Parliament success more

Use different engagement methods to reach whole society

Better connection of local issues into national work of Parl

Public involvement in chamber questions

External meetings of Parliament

Permanent version of the Citizens panel

Central hubs and travelling exhibition

Creating specific resources for communities

Parliament Bus

More internships for secondary pupils

Explore a consistent approach to deliberative "town halls"

Feedback on outcome of engagement - communicating impact

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information